Holiday Inn Express Wisconsin Dells
1033 Wisconsin Dells Pkwy S, Baraboo, WI, 53913
Jesse Kangas

2/25 - 2/29/21 2/25

$96, 2/26: $129,

2/27: $129, 2/28: $96

- Complimentary breakfast
- Free, onsite parking

Rooms would be two queen beds non smoking. We also have some King Executives available if they wanted to have a mixture of room styles (King bed with a sofa sleeper). In every room there is a fridge, safe, microwave, Keurig, and a hair dryer.
With the stay it includes access to our expanded pool area, and included hot continental breakfast every morning, and free wifi throughout the property.

2-25-21-$96 + tax
2-26-21-$129 + tax
2-27-21-$129 + tax
2-28-21-$96 + tax